Tuesday, July 13, 2010

grad school?

Warning: this is a major venting session. Sorry in advance...

I just graduated with my studio art bachelors in may. That can't really get me a job anywhere. In order to make money as an artist you have to do something else (besides make and sell art). So I have decided that I want to teach at the college level either at a university, community college, or workshops. I have to get my masters degree to do that which takes 2 1/2 years. My problem is what to do in the meantime.
Kevin has to go to grad school before me (his program is 4 years). Do I go at the same time? Do we both work while we are in school? Do we take out loans? I'm so ready for this next chapter of our lives to start, but I'm totally clueless on what to do. I don't know how to make money doing something that I want to do.
I can only submit to so many shows in Oklahoma. Then it's not even guaranteed that I will sell anything. So that is no steady paycheck. Right now I'm working at a coffee shop. It's a super easy job, but I am bored out of my mind! There is nothing challenging about making people's lattes all day. I used to be able to see the good in it and make myself change my state of mind. Now that we are about to move on to the next step and thinking about getting different jobs, I just can't justify getting another job like that while in school. Sorry for the venting session. I'm just so frustrated right now.

On a lighter note...

    • It is my youngest niece's 1st birthday today. She has been walking for a couple weeks now and she is so funny. She walks around saying "nana". That's a general word for all kinds of food. She is a chunk. She means so much more to me now after this odd year. I've learned so much about life the past year. 


    1. I'm sure time, money, and work tie into the decision, but hey if ya'll could make it work where both of ya'll are going at the same time, do it. I'm sorry for your frustration. Good luck with everything! :)

    2. I can understand the frustration! I can't get a job in my degree field either because the economy is still at a halt. What George and I are doing is taking turns. When I was a junior in college, I finally decided what I wanted to do: be a museum curator and buy/sell art pieces for museums. Well, I didnt change my degree, but I am eventually going to go back to grad school and get my masters/PHD in art history. For now we decided to have George finish up his Bachelors, then save up money so I can go back to school. When I am done George is going to get his masters so he can teach. Waiting does really stink... I am itching to fulfill my dreams, but in the meantime I am hanging ten and finding jobs that can build my resume that I will enjoy (not in my field, but something that will pay bills). You will come across something, I am still trying to figure out some jobs that I am able to do in my field and that I am passionate about... it is tough and discouraging. I agree. But I know that you will find something, you are wicked talented! And you also have a wonderful husband to support you in anything you do!


    i love comments and feedback :)