Wednesday, August 18, 2010

back to normal (almost)

We haven't had internet the past few days. I don't really know why, but anyway that's why I haven't been able to update the doodles. They are now updated along with recipes, memories and thoughts. Comments can go on this post...pleeeease!

We are having some strange early fall time weather. It is nice to get a break from the intense 100+ heat, but I'm sure not ready to see summer go just yet. I'm working all weekend (again), but after Sunday I have 4 days off! Those 4 days are much needed. I'm going to catch up on a lot of things, but most importantly I'm going outside. I miss nature. My body is turning against me. I've had digestive and sinus issues for about a week now. I know it's from getting up at 5:30 and working so much. My schedule has been so thrown out of wack. 

Well since it is my Saturday I'm going to take a walk in this beautiful weather. I'll update doodles again tomorrow. See ya!

1 comment:

  1. nice work on the print! i cant believe you are pulling this off in the apartment. one day i promise you will have a studio...washing your screens off in the bathtub (glad it works though) will be a thing of the past. Keep honing your craft, I love you.


i love comments and feedback :)