Thursday, April 21, 2011

oh tulsa

I'm doing a show in Tulsa this summer and the theme is "O Tulsa". Apparently it was a musical from the 50's or something like that. I had never heard of it, so I tried to look it up, but I didn't have much luck finding anything. Pretty much the piece I end up with has to have something to do with Tulsa. So...what do I think of when I think of Tulsa? First of all half my family lives there, so I think of them. But that doesn't really work. The second thing is Cain's Ballroom. We've seen a ton of concerts there and it's a really great venue, but I'm not sure how to incorporate that. I don't know if I can use their logo or not. The other thing I think of is the downtown area with all the trees, so I thought I could maybe do a skyline/tree-line. I'm racking my brain trying to think of something different that I could do. There are 50 artists in this show, so I want to stand out and have something original. If you have any ideas or know something interesting about the town let me know....please! I just keep putting it off because I'm not sure what to do. Here's the original print design I was going to do when I was first asked to be in the show. It's split up into 3 panels on wood. I just think it's so cliche to have a skyline of the theme city, I don't know, maybe not. Grrr! I wish it could just be about OKC!


  1. I googled Tulsa historical buildings and it came up with some cool old shots even a cool skyline stained glass that could be a cool screen print. Maybe the Blue Dome's a historical arts district. May be nostalgic... There's my two cents, for whatever that is worth....while a skyline might be cliche....if you execute it in a special Sarah fashion it just may be your ticket to standing out from the pack. You can do it, exciting to see what you come up with. XOXO

  2. I also looked for "Oh Tulsa" and couldn't find a thing. Anyway, I was thinking about when I lived in Tulsa (about 100 years ago) and there was this park where I like to go. I remember lots of trees and azaleas. Check out the pics at this website: You may see something you like.

  3. tulsa ballet is one of the top ballet companies in the WORLD (no, seriously) and they're awesome. So is their rehearsal and performance space!


i love comments and feedback :)