Friday, September 14, 2012

been busy creating

I think this may be the longest I've gone without making a post since I created this blog. Oh well. Does anyone really even read this? Sometimes I think it's more like a journal for me. But for those of you who are interested, I've been BUSY. Kev said the other day that he's never seen me make so much art since I graduated in 2010 (maybe even more than that). It feels great to be creating so much; I just wish I didn't have to have a day job. I would get so much more done. 

So why I am I cranking out arts and crafts like my life depends on it? I got into The Plaza District Festival!!! I'm excited, nervous and slightly terrified. It is an outdoor festival. If you live or have ever lived in Oklahoma you know why this scares me. Last week it was close to triple digit temps, today it is raining and 57 degrees. My parents bought me a 10x10' canopy tent with a side wall and some wire walls to hang stuff on. I feel slightly better about housing my entire life's work on the streets of OKC with some cover, but I still can't help being a little nervous. This is also my first festival by myself. I've been in a group tent before and shows where they have a small "marketplace", but I've never even had a solo show before. I feel honored and a little shocked that I got in. I have to just keep telling myself whatever happens, happens for a reason. 

I was a featured artist on the Plaza'a blog the other day. Read it here if you would like. Short and sweet... and exciting. 

Here is a sneak peek at some of the new work that I will have there. I will also have some teeny tiny pieces for $5 and under as well as some OKC Thunder inspired jewelry. Come out to The Plaza District on September 29th!

"Baby" 9"x12"
recycled magazines and paper on canvas
"For Kevin" 8"x8"
"Home On The Range" 4.5"x7"

1 comment:

  1. Sarah,
    I read your blog..I love seeing what you are doing and am so very proud of you.


i love comments and feedback :)