I haven't posted in a while, but I thought my findings today called for a post. A couple of years ago my old crappy computer died and I lost a lot of old files (or so I thought). Well I had them transferred over to my new computer, but there were things I wasn't able to find (like our wedding vows). We wrote our own vows inspired by a wedding prayer from Lama Thubten Yeshe and a few Ram Dass quotes. We just had our 3rd wedding Anniversary on the 13th. It also marked 8 years of being together! I was inspired to make a photo collage with 1 picture from every year we've been together.

I also started scouring the computer and old boxes again for those vows, and I found them! I'm so excited to share them with you (or for you to hear them again if you were there). I know it sounds cheezy and sappy, but I really feel like I'm more in love with Kevin than I was on our wedding day, or even yesterday. I feel like every year and every day just gets better and better. So here they are. Be inspired. Be love. Enjoy...
June 13, 2009
"Love has to spring spontaneously from within and is in no way amenable to any inner or outer force. Love and coercion can never go together. But though love cannot be forced on anyone, it can be awakened in them by love itself. Love is essentially self communicative, those who do not have it catch it from those who have it. True love is unconquerable and irresistible, and it goes on gathering power and spreading itself until eventually it transforms everyone whom it touches. Being is dying by loving." -Be Here Now by Ram Dass
"The most important aspect of love is not in giving or receiving: it's in the being. When I need love from others, or need to give love to others, I'm caught in an unstable situation. Being in love, rather then giving or taking love, is the only thing that provides stability. Being in love means seeing the Beloved all around me." -Being Love by Ram Dass
Kevin and Sarah…
Do you promise to work together to develop your hearts and minds: cultivating compassion, generosity, ethics, patience, enthusiasm, concentration and wisdom as you age together?
Do you promise to follow the path of love, compassion and joy?
Do you promise to see all the circumstances of life as a challenge to help you grow together, to open your hearts, to accept yourselves, and each other; and to generate compassion for others?
Do you promise to seek to understand yourselves, each other, and all living beings, to examine your own minds continually and to observe all the mysteries of life with curiosity and joy?
Do you promise to preserve and enrich your love for each other and radiate this love outward to all things?
Do you promise day to day, to be patient with yourselves and each other and to seek inspiration from others?
Do you promise to continuously strive to remember your own divinity, as well as the divinity of all living beings; to maintain the awareness that all things are temporary, and to remain optimistic that you can achieve your greatest potential and lasting happiness?
This ring is a symbol of the unbroken circle of love,
an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual bond
which unites two hearts.
These rings have no beginning and no end.
Love, freely given has no beginning and no end, no giver and no receiver for each is the giver and each is the receiver.
May these rings always be reminders of the vows you have taken today.
I honor the spirit in you which is also in me. I honor the place in you in which the entire Universe dwells: the place of love integrity, wisdom and peace. When you are in that place within you and I am in that place within me, we are ONE. Namaste!