Monday, December 6, 2010

wonderful weekend

It's Monday, and the best way to avoid a case of the Mondays is to blog about your great weekend, right? Well it was a delightful one packed with fun things. Friday Kevin got off work early, so we went to Big Truck Tacos and Cuppies and Joe. They are two of my favorite local restaurants in town. Kev got The Flaming Lips taco with beef tongue (it looked questionable, but he said it was good). I got the Okie Baha (tilapia). Then we sipped tea and hot chocolate and got some cuppies, then came home and watched Christmas movies. :)
Saturday I went antique-ing at my favorite place ever, RINK, with my momma. I got some great stuff including a new spice rack! I will take a picture when I get it set up, I'm so excited! Also found alotta nice antique jars to put Christmas presents in. I hope Megan doesn't see this before I give it to her, but this is a thank you present for her...Cranberry Orange Bread Mix. Oh ya, and we went to a new place (well new to me), Mockingbird Manor, and I won a door prize! I still haven't picked it up, so I don't know what it is yet.
And last but not least, Sunday my mom and pop came over for lunch. We made Minestrone, Beer Bread (it was a box mix), Pumpkin Cookies and warm Apple Cider. So that means check the recipes page people...and have a good week!


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a fun week! Love your jarred gifts, so thoughtful! Miss you all. I was bummed we didn't get much time together over Thanksgiving. You need to plan your next trip!!!! More snow flurries just began!!!! Love you!


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