Geez, it's been a long time since I've had a chance to post anything. I've had a busy last couple of weeks with work, my cake class, printing, family in town and Thanksgiving. I had to work Thanksgiving morning, but I went over to Kev's mom's when I got off. The night before I made mashed potatoes and chocolate pecan pie (which I posted the recipe for along with a bunch of others). Kevin made sweet potato casserole too. It was a good time, and it was great to see family.
Emma Kate and Georgia Bleu are growing up so fast! We took them to the park on Friday and Kevin and Dave helped put up Christmas decorations. We put ours up too, but we still have a few more things to get (like the tree). So I'll put up pics later. The weekend before last we had an early Thanksgiving with Kerri and George here. It was good to see them too. We also went to see the new Harry Potter! They stuck to the book pretty well. I want to see it again. We got in late and got really bad seats. I can't wait for the last one that comes out this summer!
I also finished a print that I've been working on for my niece Meghan. I'm pretty pleased with it (kinda wish I would have made more). I love the simplicity of it.
And last but not least. We got surprise Thunder tickets last week! Coach Maurice Cheeks is a regular at my work. He sometimes gives tickets to my friend, and she called me and said that he had four. So we went to the Dallas game! It was fun even though we lost. I hope we can do it again soon.
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